Puppy pen arrival

M&M are not in good terms with each other for last one month. Reason is so obvious and clear, both of them wants the best place for nesting. Big M winning the altercations always since she had learnt the art of self defense. She was docile and more patient with little M. Since, they have come back from boarding, Big M learnt it from other dogs the art of protecting food and invasion in privacy. She is not allowing little M to come an inch close to her food and her bedding. More the reason, both are "gonna be mom's". Little M makes the most adorable puppy face if you dun listen to her demands or scold her. Whelping stage is coming near with each day passing by. So i had to plan something to control these two mutts from fighting over place and nesting area.
It was decided post discussions with mom and P, that each of the mutts will get her own place to nest. So i ordered for puppy pen for Big M and we already had a crate for little M. We bought this crate for little M so that she feels safe as puppy, when she had arrived at our home. But later Big M used it as her shelter to get rid of little M, and her unreasonable demands regarding play time. She was a little monster as a pup. Big M was hurt and injured so many times.
So finally, Big M's puppy pen arrived this evening, moment it was set up at the designated place, Big M checked it from all sides. She is still sleeping inside it. Little M got little hassled, coz the walls are too tall for her to get in and get out ( there is a door as well, but she is born to be a monkey).
While doin the research on net, i got to know all shapes and sizes of puppy pen. But all had one fault. So i made my own design. The fault was the base of the puppy pen. Most of the pen's example given on net have base ply. So it is next to impossible to clean, wen puppy will soil it. Any one who is a dog owner knows that having puppies around is a messy job and needs constant cleaning.
So my design is 4x4 feet and 16 inches (wall). One small gate for puppies to get in and get out.
No base is given, so that it can be cleaned on regular intervals. One inch legs on all four sides so that water will not spoil the ply. Bigger task will be done tomorrow. I am planning to paint it. The other way of making it attractive is to put colorful papers. I ve some wrapping papers with me at office. Will get them tomorrow and try to use some creativity.
Now all i waiting for puppies to arrive soon. P and I waited for it for 2 years.

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