it was white all over

Wat i could have done to save him, why his mom was so calm even wen her son died? Was she morning by sitting next to his corpse? Don't look at me little m, i don't wanna look at you. I know what you want to ask me? I promise you the moaning mother where ever he is right now, is much comfortable. I know his sister is missing and looking for the tiny body for warmth inside the pen. It was so not me and i surprise my self most of the times when i go numb while doing odd jobs. When little M was under the knife my feelings were so similar to what i had this morning. Sudden rush of feelings and emotions drains out of your system. Sitting next to the puppy pen, i am already missing that little soul.
Today some what i can relate to parents who loose their children. My hand raised baby is gone and trust me i can still feel his fur and soft burps on my hand.
rest in peace puppy, and tell me what i should tell your mother who is looking at me since your are gone. Is she blaming me, is she waiting for me to put you back to the puppy pen. Why u never called out for help, like you and sister cried out for the first time wen you stepped into this world. I promise you my kid, that your sister will go to the best of hands else will remain with us in this house............. i dun want another little m story to be repeated.

1 Your take on this:

Anonymous said...

Little little M, RIP